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- Recorded and Edited by Simon Plumbe
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- There are a great deal of actors who are described as having a "presence" on
- screen. There is no other actor I can think of that is ideally suited to that
- description as 7 foot tall Carel Struycken. Although his role on Star Trek
- has been little more than to stand in the background with no dialogue (apart
- from one line in HAVEN - "Thank you for the drinks!") he is one of the few
- guests to have appeared on the show that are instantly remembered.
- His other appearances have included the giant in "Twin Peaks", the butler in
- "The Witches of Eastwick" and Lurch in the movie version of "The Addams
- Family".
- This material was recorded between 24th and 26th August 1991 at Sacha's
- Hotel, Manchester at CONDUIT '91. Many thanks must got to Carel for his
- assistance in putting this article together.
- ---------------------------------------
- Although Carel lives in Hollywood, he originally came from Holland. "I was
- born in Holland but I grew up in the Caribbean on Curosow. My father was a
- doctor there. He works for the government, so each school holiday he would go
- to make a whole trip in the Caribbean to all these different islands and do
- mass surgery on the children. So in the school holidays I would join and I
- saw quite a bit of the area."
- As I said, Carel is an amazing 7 feet tall. Does height run in his family?
- "All the men in my Mothers family are 6ft 9, 6ft 10. In Holland the cut off
- limit for Military service is 2 metres and one of my best memories about
- being this tall was having to go to this hall very early in the morning.
- There was this huge hall, with thousands of people my age and you had to get
- on stage one at a time to be measured. That was the first thing they did. So
- I came on stage and all these guys were laughing about it. Then of course I
- was over 2 metres. So I went off to and had to study for 2 more years!"
- How did Carel first get involved in his acting career? "Well in the 20's or
- 30's when all the people went to Hollywood and they wanted to be discovered,
- they would congregate on the corner of the main intersection of Hollywood,
- Hollywood Vine. I had no such ambitions when I was walking there. But one day
- I was going around a corner just on my way to a movie and this girl jumps out
- of her car, abandons her car in the middle of the street and walks up to me
- and says, `We need you tomorrow' and that was for Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts
- Club Band. Apparently, they were starting the movie already, I think they
- were already shooting it, but were missing one character and that was me. So
- I think thats how I got involved with making films."
- Did he always want to be an actor? "No, I went to film school in Holland and
- I was mainly interested in making movies and I never dreamt I was going to be
- in front of the camera, but Hollywood has its ways to convince people to do
- it."
- What do Carel's family think of some of the roles he has played, and which
- one of them is his biggest critic? "My Mother is my biggest critic - she
- doesn't understand why I'm doing it! I think she always wanted me to be a
- doctor. No, everybody enjoys, I've started to enjoy it too, after a few of
- these things. I never took it that serious, but when you stay in Hollywood,
- well, it just becomes part of your life. Now I really am almost looking
- forward to it."
- Did Carel feel that his height has caused him any problems with his acting
- career? "Well I've never really thought about it, partly because I never
- wanted to be an actor, so it always kind of just happens to me and it
- probably happenend because of my height that they wanted me in a movie. At
- the moment I get the feeling I'm type-cast a little bit. Although I did one
- movie last year, The Circus of Twilight, which is after a Dean Koontz horror
- story, and that was quite different and very enjoyable to do because I got to
- be this extremely crazed person, who was very much in doubt. He has to kill
- somebody, but he, even though he is a professional killer, he's the only one
- in this whole group of people that he's dealing with that doesn't want to
- kill. So it was a very interesting challenge."
- As Carel seems to do more silent roles than speaking ones, Carel was asked if
- there are any silent film actors that he admires. "As a comedian I like
- Buster Keaton and Laurel and Hardy, although I don't think I'm using anything
- that they do. I mean not that I mind doing it, I'm not consciously aware of
- trying to follow in their footsteps. I had to do a lot of that stuff in The
- Addams Family though, because again I didn't have any lines, but I've been
- told that it worked very well. So almost by default I'm kind of a silent
- movie comedian in these movies."
- Carel also appeared in one of the Star Wars spin-off movies featuring the
- Ewoks. How did he feel about doing that? "Yeah, the Ewoks movie was the first
- movie that was, although a very strange one, a kind of challenge to act in
- and even though I was wearing all of this latex on my face, layers and layers
- of it, I still got to be this tyrant who was ranting and raving in his own
- castle and so that was the main attraction of it. Even though it was pretty
- horrid to be imprisoned in this mask. They would put it on at 4:00 in the
- morning and I wouldn't be able to eat anything. The only thing I could do was
- drink through a little straw... oh, and macaroni! And it was about 110
- degrees and we were wearing, well, this much coustume! We had girls with
- little fans (!) and everybody who had to wear all this stuff had one girl
- following him around... that would cool us off a bit. That wasn't the reason
- I liked doing the movie!!"
- What sort of films does Carel enjoy working on the most? "Well, I've really
- liked, I like everthing that's been overblown. So everything that's a bit,
- what would you call it.. bigger than life stuff. Thats why I liked doing The
- Circus of Twilight a lot. I was this extreme character. I would like to do a
- bit more of that. I think I would be good at comedy too."
- ----------
- What did Carel have to say about his work on David Lynch's "Twin Peaks"?
- "Twin Peaks was a very special experience, because David Lynch is a very
- special kind of film director. He had his own soundstage. He had rented this
- huge industrial complex and set up all the sets of Twin Peaks under one roof
- and everything was there permanently, so you could actually get lost. I once
- was late for a scene because I was lost somewhere in the set and the amazing
- thing was that the whole crew, everybody was kind of almost as if they were
- in a trance which is quite unusual on a film set, and I think that's because
- of the way David Lynch deals with the shooting schedule and talks to you, you
- never get your typical direction from him. The only thing he'll say is, `Now
- just try to say this as if you are underwater. Very slow'! For instance, the
- gentleman who was with me, the waiter, the very old man, he walked in as you
- may have noticed into the room very slowly and because I've been involved
- with a lot of very low budget movies on the other side, I mean doing various
- production things, I'm kind of in a panic about time, because I know how much
- it costs just to roll that film through the camera, so I thought, `Oh! This
- is going to be terrible', and the first thing that David Lynch talked to this
- man after the shoot was over was, `Now I want you to do it twice as slowly'!
- So thats kind of what it was like. It was very nice."
- What was it like to work with someone like David Lynch? "Well he talks, he
- has the vocabulary of a 6 year old (!) and he manages to get across anything
- he wants to say with that very limited vocabulary. I mean it must be an
- exercise on his side to be able to do that. I heard for instance with his
- composer, Angelo, they'll sit next to each other behind a piano and Angelo
- would be playing something and David Lynch would say, `Can you make it sound
- a little more orange' and Angelo would say, `Oh! Yeah!'! The instructions we
- would get as actors were the same kind of semi-cryptic instructions."
- In the final episode, there were a number of scenes where the cast were all
- speaking in a slurred, warped voice. How was this effect achieved? "Well the
- little guy, Mike, he talks backwards better then he talks forwards! He has a
- little bit of a stutter when he talks normal but he can say anything
- backwards without stuttering, so he was kind of the consultant on the set and
- David Lynch would give us our lines and then Mike would translate them
- backwards and thats the way we would say them. Then later on it was reversed
- again on the tape, but we actually had to say it backwards. The very last
- show... has it already been shown here? Well, that was a very strange shoot
- because there was no script. So David Lynch was sitting in his chair and was
- just making everthing up while they were shooting it! The crew was kind of
- hovering around him, rather nervously, and there was this expert with contact
- lenses and he had no idea way he was called to the set and neither did
- anybody else. Now and then he would get instructions from David Lynch to try
- them out on somebody, but nobody had any idea if they were going to wear
- them, or why they were going to wear them, anything like that! So it was a
- very interesting experience. We also, of course, had to walk backwards and do
- everything backwards, and then so not also only was the sound reversed but
- also the action."
- Talking of the last episode, could Carel actually explain what it was all
- about? "The last episode is even more of a mystery to me than any of the
- others! I think that was the idea. I was a bit surprised that my character
- was at all associated with the bad side of that other universe. I thought I
- was strictly a good guy. But I think what he wanted to do was just mix
- everyhing up in the end just to make a statement - `There is no good without
- bad and no bad without good'. I'm strictly interpreting here."
- Overall, did Carel actually understand what TWIN PEAKS was all about (did
- anyone!)? "Not a clue! But I always watched it though. My 9 year old daughter
- understood a lot more what was going on than I did, so I would ask her! The
- way I experienced the whole show was to just sit there and watch it and see
- all these amazing gallery of characters pass by. I think, in the near future,
- Twin Peaks is going to be used by a lot of people who want to write a thesis,
- alot of Psychiatrists. Because there's a lot of amazing psychotic characters
- in there."
- ---------
- As I said, Carel appeared, albeit in yet another non-speaking role, in the
- recent ADDAMS FAMILY film. How did Carel get the part of Lurch in the first
- place? "The way it happened was the producer used to be a casting director so
- for this movie he did his own casting and I was invited over to his office.
- It was just him and the director and it was one of the shortest casting
- sessions I've ever had. I said, `I'd been living here in Hollywood for 15
- years and about once a week somebody walks up to me and says `Are you Lurch?'
- so I think you found your Lurch'. They said `Yeah that's right' So that was
- the end."
- Did Carel find it difficult to be in yet another non-speaking role? "It's not
- easy to, when you don't, because the way that you build up your character is
- through a large part of, it's through what you say and the way you sustain
- your character is also through what you say. So if you aren't allowed to say
- anything, it's very hard to stay in character so to speak. It also means you
- have to do alot of, well, you have to express everything through facial
- expression and emotional epression and so on."
- As is the norm for many UK conventions, you usually find that guests "sit in"
- on each other's talks. While Carel was on stage, Guy Vardaman was in the
- crowd and he asked Carel what he thought about working with Christoper Lloyd.
- "Well you never saw him anywhere. He was always, if he was on the set, he was
- very concentrated on what he would have to do next and then as soon as his
- scene was finished he would disappear into his trailer, and just in general
- people were kind of disappointed that they wouldn`t get to talk to him. But
- after the movie was finished I heard out that every night he would be in some
- bar on Melrose (Avenue) and people would just walk up to him and not stop and
- he would talk to them. So it must be some kind of policy of his that he
- doesn't want to deal with people on the set. It must have something to do
- with wanting to stay in character, or something like that."
- One of the less memorable experiences Carel had on The Addams Family was in
- terms of wearing make-up (or not as the case may be)! "I had a few people
- walk up to me and look at my face and say `Oh, that's prosthetics. You can't
- see the lines!'"
- Speaking of make-up, they production crew were originally planning to have
- Christopher Lloyd in make-up as well as Carel. Carel describes what happened.
- "The Addams Family started out with the producers at first wanting to put,
- especially Uncle Fester (Christopher Lloyd) and Lurch, me, in layers and
- layers of latex. So you have to go through this whole process where they make
- a cast of your face. The way they do that is they take a large bucket of the
- same stuff they use to make imprints of your teeth - it tasted a bit minty -
- and then they basically empty it over your head (!) and you get to breathe
- through a little straw and that's it. Most of this hardens into this paste
- that they put another layer of plaster over it and then they cut it in half
- and make a cast of your head to work with. And poor Christopher Lloyd started
- with layers of latex on his face and the only thing you could see was his
- eyes and then we went through a week of camera tests, but of course with all
- this latex you can't see any facial expressions, nothing moves anymore, so
- finally they decided to do without the latex... I started out with make-up
- sessions that lasted 5-6 hours the first week when they were trying out all
- this latex, and they finally got it down to 20 minutes. So that was quite a
- relief."
- -------
- Although Carel is now a familiar face as Mr Homn, he was originally asked to
- appear as one of the market traders in Encounter At Farpoint. Carel
- continues... "Well what would happen to us was the first time they invited me
- for a casting call they wanted me in a tiny little part and I said to them,
- `I just had the feeling I belong somewhere in this show so I want to hold out
- for something better' and they said `Oh sure, it's ok'. A few weeks
- afterwards they called me for Mr. Homn."
- Whenever Carel appears as Mr Homn, Lwaxana's near-legendary luggage is never
- far behind. Is it actually heavy? "Actually first it was very light and then
- they saw me carry it and then said it dosen`t look real. So they really put
- something very heavy in there and then I had some back problems after that."
- As well as THE case, Carel is also noticable for not having any dialogue in
- the series. Why did Carel think that was the case? "I think they were, in the
- first show, still a little embarrassed about not giving me any lines so they
- threw in this one just to get me interested enough to do the part at all and
- then afterwards they thought from now on we can do without! But my personal
- interpretation of it is, that because my mistress and I come from a planet
- where we do a lot of ESP communication that I actually have very lively
- dialogue - it's just that you mere mortals can not hear it!
- Did Carel think that we would even get to hear Mr Homn speak in the future?
- "Well, a friend of mine is working on a script that will set things straight
- in the dialogue department. I think the idea's great. Now it's up to us to
- make a good script out of it. If that works out I'll have something to say!!
- However, we don't really know much about Mr Homn apart from the fact that he
- is Lwaxana's Valet, unlike Lwaxana who we all know is the Daughter of the
- Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx and Heir to the Holy Rings
- of Betazed! What does Carel think about his character? "Well I think Mr Homn
- is a more primitive form of Mr. Data, a more primitive generation of android.
- To compensate for his lack of ability, he has been given kind of an overblown
- ego (!) and thats the way I see Mr Homn.
- Mr Homn, from what we have seen, appears to be a little bit (!) partial to
- alcohol. Has Carel had any drinking experiences to rival Mr Homn's? "Well I
- once, well I should say in the past, but anyhow, I had once been invited by a
- friend to a tiny little village high up in the mountains in Switzerland and
- the people there were so happy that there was somebody from outside the
- village that they decided to take me into town and I had to try all the
- different kinds of Swiss beer and there's just an amazing amount! So I was
- sitting at the bar and there was this whole battery of bottles all around me
- and then they had warned me that you should never drink beer and eat cheese
- fondue at the same time, which of course I did and the most amazing thing
- happened to me! It only has happened to once and that was rare. I stood up
- and just passed out right away!!"
- Although we all know now that Carel DID appear in Season 5 as Mr Homn, he was
- asked this by some of the fans. "We never know in advance. They always just
- assume that you're going to be around. For instance on the last episode (Half
- A Life) I almost couldn't make it. They had to shoot everything at night
- because i was doing THE ADDAMS FAMILY during the day. So they also cut one
- scene out of it because they couldn't do it all at night. So I don't know,
- maybe Lwaxana Troi has fired me and gotten another butler (at this point, the
- fans all `booed'!). But fair enough, it's every bosses perogative!"
- ---------------------
- Because of his height, you may think that Carel wouldn't drive, but when
- asked he gave this response, "My first car was a Mini Cooper (!) and it's
- still my favourite! No actually, those Mini's were pretty roomy cars on the
- inside! For instance, a Cadillac has less room on the inside than a mini -
- you'd be surprised. A Cadillac has all this useless padding inside - there's
- about 20 inches of padding on the insides and it takes over all the space.
- The reason that American cars need all that padding is so that won't hear all
- the wrangling and creaking that goes on!!!"
- -------------------
- Carel is fascinated by science and he considers himself to be somewhat of an
- amateur inventor. Did he have a background in working in electronics? "The
- first thing that I wanted to do was genetics and all that studying was way
- too slow for me, so I thought, `Well, it's much nicer to write about it, to
- deal with science fiction and just pretend it's already happened!'. So then I
- went to film school and the idea was to be a writer and produce movies and
- then I went to Hollywood and I was just walking on the streets of Hollywood
- and this lady abandoned her car in the middle of the road and jumped out and
- said `We need you!' and that was the first call on the other side of the
- camera which I never imagined would happen. I never had any ambition in that
- direction. I`m kind of an amateur scientist so to speak, so I like to work
- with those things and the first thing I did with electronics was I built
- these goggles that provide you with some kind of electronic hallucinogenic -
- you see the most amazing patterns, I even thought of bringing it out
- commercially but I was afraid that, in America you get sued for anything so I
- didn't do it, and now a few other people apparently have the same idea about
- the same thing that I was working on and now you can get it, unfortunately.
- So the virtual reality thing is also an outcome of that. I do some very low
- budget computer graphics work so I already have the computer and now I just
- have to get some other things to make it into a great system for virtual
- reality."
- One of the subjects Carel seems to be very interested in is Virtual Reality,
- an area in which the Amiga seems to be excelling (the Virtuality arcade
- machines are built around Amiga technology!). Carel tells all about his own
- VR project... "I'm trying to put together a very primitive version of the
- Holodeck - you won't have the feeling that you're really in it like you are
- in the Holodeck but you will be able to interact with something with a screen
- in front of you, and on your screen you can project something like an
- asteroid field that will be coming at you and you try to duck it. Or you can
- put up all these virtual instruments, then you can actually play them, or you
- can put up a giant typewriter. I hope to have that system together in a few
- months from now, and maybe take it with me on some future conventions so the
- people can play with it themselves... We put together a prototype about a
- month ago and we showed it in Los Angeles. We had a special Virtual Reality
- show just to introduce the concept to people, and right now it's being used
- by NASA as a method to do repairs on the outside of Spaceships where people
- can't, they actually send a robot and the person doing the repairs wears
- these goggles and gloves and the robot mimics everything that he does inside
- the spaceship, or on the ground."
- "The other thing I'm working on or that I'm involved with is something called
- nano-technology which was also a subject of one of the Star Trek episodes.
- It's really a lot more involved than one could guess from seeing that show,
- and well, it's maybe a bit too complicated to explain it now."
- Just hearing Carel talk, you can see his enthusiasm and interest in nano-
- technology. "One of the things I liked so much about Star Trek is that they
- always make all these an issue. So I think Star Trek is very much about
- responsibility with the tools that we make for ourselves. Of course the
- further we get with this technology the more knowledge we can use. The thing
- that's coming up now is called Nano-Technology which instantly we'll be able
- to build devices, be it tools or houses or mountains whatever, atom by atom
- and we will be able to program these things to grow just like we are being
- programmed ourselves to grow old too. Animals are Humans. That's the most
- exciting thing we are working on right now. Of course that could be
- absolutely devastating, so that makes it also very interesting as a field of
- research because the people working on that realise that they have
- intergrated that part of our responsibility with this Nano-technology as part
- of the research. So whenever they talk about Nano-Technology they also talk
- at how we should safe guard ourselves and how we should structure society to
- be able to deal with that."
- What does he consider to be his most interesting project? "Well the main
- thing, the most interesting thing to work on was really these goggles.
- Because they DO work and one interesting, I had a lot of interesting
- experiences using them, and also using them on other people. I found out that
- people with a phobia had one particular frequency, because you can change the
- frequency of these goggles. It's basically two little incandescent lights in
- front of your eyes that flicker at certain frequencies to which your brain
- starts to try to keep up with that frequency and it makes you see all these
- colours and it puts you in a certain alpha brain state. I noticed that people
- with a phobia had one particular frequency that they absolutely can not deal
- with, and then I tried that frequency out on myself and then I tried to find
- a frequency I had problems with, and I had kind of a phobic response. Only
- it wasn't scary to me. So it had kind of the same effect but to me it was
- more like a roller-coaster ride effect. Then I thought well in the future,
- because the whole reason I started with these goggles was I wanted to build a
- device where you could transfer a brain wave pattern from one person to the
- other, so that for instance, people who are natural short sleepers who only
- need to sleep 2 hours a night, that you could transfer that brain wave
- pattern over to yourself and become a short sleeper yourself. So I thought
- well, it would be interesting to transfer phobias and other things over to
- other people and follow their report and to see what happens to them."
- ------------------
- As you know, Carel appeared in The Witches of Eastwick, but did you know that
- he also composed most of the piano music in the film as well! How did all
- that come about? "Well first of all I got involved with the Witches of
- Eastwick because I was such a fan of George Miller's and then George knew I
- had the idea that he wanted to rehearse with the actors a few weeks in
- advance, which hardly never happens. So Jack Nicholson and Susan Sarandon,
- well all the people were there rehearsing and even though I didn't have any
- lines I was supposed to be there. There happened to be a piano in that room
- so I started playing and George Miller said, `Oh that's nice. We can use that
- in the movie.' I was so flattered by that I said, `Oh you can have it!' and
- to which Jack Nicholson said `Are you crazy? They have more than enough
- money. Let them pay for it!' So that's what happened. I just had your basic
- childhood experience of wanting to play the piano but never really working on
- it. I lived in the West Indies in Curosow and a week before I left all of a
- sudden I realised that I lived on this island which had this wonderful
- musical culture and I couldn't play any of the music so in one week I kind of
- in a rush tried to learn how they played, which is really complicated because
- it has a really complex rhythm. And that's what I took with me when I went
- back to Holland. The tunes that I came up with in those few weeks are the
- only things that I've ever really composed. But now after having been on the
- cruise, the Star Trek cruise, I got so much encouragement that I think I'll
- make some more music and make a 40 minute tape."
- Whenever films are made, the costumes are usually kept by the studios, but in
- The Witches Of Eastwick Carel managed to keep his own wardrobe (not that
- anyone else would have fitted it!). "Actually the movie production people
- usually, especially for Witches of Eastwick, had a very elaborate wardrobe
- and they only used about a third of it. So people, while they were shooting
- it, kept asking me `Are they going to give you the wardrobe?', because what
- else can they do with it, right! I said, `No they don't want to give it to
- me' and when Jack Nicholson heard that, he walked up to the producer and
- said, `If you`re not going to give him that wardrobe I'll buy it, but I'll
- make sure that everyone knows'! Within 3 minutes the producer walked up to me
- and said, `We've decided. We'll GIVE you your wardrobe'!"
- As Carel said earlier, he was a fan of the film's director, George Miller, so
- what did he think about working with him? "Well as I said, I was a fan of his
- and I never had the sense while we were doing this movie that this was his
- kind of movie. Although I think he did a wonderful job with the material that
- he had. He's just a nice, great guy and very different from your typical
- Hollywood director. So he's much more used to work, to think in terms of
- teamwork and I think he explains that himself because he's a twin, so he
- feels of himself as being almost interchangable with other parts of the team
- and that's very unusual for work in Hollywood."
- ------------------
- Once again, Guy Vardaman was asking the questions! This time he asked Carel
- if he was originally going to be in The Princess Bride. "Oh yeah, yeah. I saw
- Rob Reiner a few times for THE PRINCESS BRIDE which was going to be shot at
- the same time I was going to be doing THE WITCHES OF EASTWICK. He really
- wanted me for this part and of course, that was a much more interesting part
- than Witches, so I really wanted to do that and I didn't have any contractual
- obligations yet to stay with Witches because Warner Bros. are very casual
- about those type of things because they always assume that you want to do
- anything to be in a movie of theirs! So when I told them I wanted to do the
- other movie the lady who was in charge of Warner Bros. casting said, well,
- what they always say, what they always hear, people say about other people in
- Hollywood, `You'll never work in this town again'! But what finally convinced
- me to stay with Witches was that George Miller said that in his mind he had
- built the other chracters around this one character of the butler, and even
- though he wasn't a very prominent character, he was kind of essential. So I
- had to do that. So I thought I was obligated to do it for him. I stayed with
- Witches."
- ---------
- Did Carel think there was any difference working on Star Trek compared with
- other TV series or films? "Not so much with the characters, but you do notice
- a huge difference in just the way a movie's being put together. They've got
- their things like, lighting and sound to an amazing perfection for a TV
- series. I don't think anything has been shot with so much care for detail
- than Star Trek, and you'll also notice that just the sense of security and
- success that they have had over the years has given them the chance to really
- try to work with more unusual ideas and things like that. So it's very much a
- show, well I don't have to tell you that (!), but it's very much a show that
- want's to deal with issues and ideas, and things like that. And that you get
- more and more a sense of that while the show continues."
- Do the cast get one payment for appearing in Trek, or do they get paid each
- time the episodes are transmitted? "No, we all get paid royalties. It's some
- kind of a scale and I have no idea how it works. It's like you get a little
- Christmas present in the mail now and then."
- Carel has said that he'd love to do some directing. Would he like to try his
- hand at directing a TNG episode? "The difference I guess is that the people
- who get a chance to do them are regulars and I'm only on once a year. Oh but
- definately - that would be a dream come true."
- What did Carel think of British Star Trek fans in comparison with the
- American fans? "Well erm. Oh this is dangerous territory - I do have to go
- back there! I think in America things are a bit more extreme, so it's more a
- question of size. There's not as much control in daily life so people can
- live in much more fantasy worlds over there and they can live and they can
- live with most of the rest of the world. Consequently you are sometimes
- confronted with people who live in fantasy worlds like that. Thats the main
- difference there is."
- -----------------------
- Amongst his favourite films include BLADE RUNNER and the original TERMINATOR.
- What did Carel think of the sequel and it's computer graphics, which are also
- involved heavily in another film he is working on? "I thought the special
- effects were great. I just thought the original was more powerful as a story.
- But just amazing computer graphics. I'm going to be working, doing some
- production work on a movie in which we also use alot of computer graphics,
- but with about a 100th of the money to spend! It was inspiried by an American
- Micro-Biologist who has this theory that we're all wrongly talking about
- evolution, about higher and lower orders and it was really microbes through
- an act of co-operation, that put us together. So we are really a huge co-
- operative of micro organisms and not the Human beings we think we are. We use
- that for the story point for a movie where the micro organisms get a voice to
- talk to us Human beings and they do this from within a house and so the house
- becomes alive and starts to grow. That's really for a lot of computer
- graphics. It will have some horror elements in it but it's not primarily a
- horror film. The microbes do a few rather horrible things - nothing we don't
- deserve!"
- Does Carel find horror films repulsive? "Well I had kind of a mixed feeling
- about it because I love to do it, but I'm always a bit squeamish watching it!
- The reason I love to do it is because, it's great to be able to overdo
- things, to kind of be allowed to be really larger than life. There are a few
- horror movies that I really like, just because they put an emphasis on that
- part of me, but as soon as they start to cut up people and animals I look the
- other way!"
- Thanks must go to Carel Struycken for allowing us to use the material from
- his talks during the course of the con and to Colin Gunn for getting it all
- typed up!
- Next Issue:- Richard Arnold, Guy Vardaman AND George Takei!